would like to 跟wont to 有什麼差別? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2006年5月8日 - 你應該想問would like to 跟want to 吧? (如果你真的是問won't也少打了一撇.won't是will not的縮寫.意思是"將不") would like to比起來want to
think to 、want to、 would like - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問:1.think to 、want to、 would like to 是不是一樣意思?有什麼差別?2.setup的發音"tu"要拼起來唸嗎?為什麼聽到時候都沒有"t"的音.
Polite English - WANT & WOULD LIKE - YouTube http://www.engVid.com/ Learn how to sound polite and respectful in any situation with this short, important lesson ...
how to use "would like" - Learn American English Online would like = want. The verb "would like" requires an object, a gerund, or an infinitive after it: I would like a bagel. (The word "bagel" is an object.) He'd like a new ...